Saint Matthew and the Angel

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price£179 GBP


The painting "Saint Matthew and the Angel" by Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance noted for its unique artistic style and masterful composition. The work, which measures 93 x 125 cm, depicts Saint Matthew in his study, accompanied by an angel who whispers in his ear as he writes.

Savoldo's artistic style is unmistakable, as it is characterized by the use of shadows and intense lights that create a very dramatic chiaroscuro effect. In addition, Savoldo's technique is highly detailed and meticulous, allowing him to create a sense of depth and realism in the painting.

The composition of this work is also very interesting, as Savoldo uses a technique called "inverted perspective" to create a sense of depth in the painting. Instead of using the traditional perspective, where closer objects appear larger, Savoldo does the opposite, giving the impression that the angel is floating in the air behind Saint Matthew.

Color is another prominent aspect of this painting, as Savoldo uses a very rich and vibrant color palette to create a sense of movement and life in the work. The warm, golden tones of the light falling on San Mateo contrast with the cool, blue tones of the angel, creating a very impressive visual effect.

The history of the painting is also very interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by a wealthy and powerful patron for his private chapel. The work was created in the 16th century, at the height of the Italian Renaissance, and has been the object of study and admiration by art experts for centuries.

In short, the painting "Saint Matthew and the Angel" by Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo is an impressive work of art that stands out for its unique artistic style, its masterful composition, its use of color and its fascinating history. It is a work that deserves to be admired and appreciated for its beauty and its historical and cultural value.

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