Saint Matthew and the Angel

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price£125 GBP


Guido Reni's painting St Matthew and the Angel is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque, noted for its elegant artistic style and brilliant composition. The work represents Saint Matthew, the evangelist, accompanied by an angel who shows him a divine vision. The figure of Saint Matthew is rendered with great precision and detail, while the angel is rendered with a delicacy and grace that make him appear almost ethereal.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as Reni uses a technique called "ascending diagonal" to guide the viewer's gaze towards the figure of Saint Matthew. This technique is achieved through the use of diagonal lines that are directed upwards, creating an effect of upward movement. In addition, the figure of the angel is in a higher position than that of Saint Matthew, which reinforces the idea that he is showing him a divine vision.

Color is also a prominent aspect of this painting. Reni uses a palette of soft and delicate colors, which give the work a sense of tranquility and serenity. The golden and yellow tones used in the clothing of Saint Matthew and the angel create an effect of light and divinity.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Tiberio Cerasi for his chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome. The work was painted in 1620 and has become one of Reni's most famous works.

A little known aspect of this painting is that Reni used her own face as a model for the angel. This can be seen in the similarity between the angel figure and the self-portraits that Reni painted in other works.

In conclusion, the painting St Matthew and the Angel by Guido Reni is an impressive work of art that stands out for its elegant artistic style, brilliant composition, delicate color palette and interesting history. This Italian Baroque masterpiece remains one of Reni's most admired and studied works to this day.

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