Saint Matthew and Scenes from his Life

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price£133 GBP


The painting "St Matthew and Scenes from his Life" by the artist Orcaga is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance noted for its unique artistic style and impressive composition. With an original size of 291 x 265 cm, this work of art is one of the largest and most detailed of its time.

Orcaga's artistic style is characterized by his attention to detail and his ability to create realistic and expressive figures. In this painting, the figures of Saint Matthew and the characters around him are meticulously detailed, from the texture of the clothing to the facial expressions and gestures.

The composition of the painting is equally impressive. Orcaga uses a linear perspective technique to create the illusion of depth and space in the scene. The characters are arranged in a series of scenes that unfold throughout the painting, creating a visual narrative that guides the viewer through the history of San Mateo.

Color also plays an important role in painting. Orcaga uses a rich and vibrant color palette to create a sense of life and movement in the scene. The gold and red tones of the characters' robes contrast against the dark blue background, creating a sense of depth and drama in the painting.

The history of painting is fascinating. It was commissioned by the Medici family in Florence in the 15th century and is believed to have been painted by Orcaga around 1480. The painting was originally installed in the church of San Lorenzo in Florence, where it remained for centuries before being transferred to the Uffizi Gallery in the 19th century.

Despite its historical and artistic importance, "St Matthew and Scenes from his Life" is little known outside of art connoisseur circles. However, its beauty and technical skill make it a must-have work of art for any lover of the Italian Renaissance.

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