My God My God, why have you abandoned me? -James Tissot

size(cm): 30x20 Original size
Sale price£79 GBP


The painting "My God My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me?" by James Tissot is a masterpiece of 19th century religious art. This painting is one of Tissot's most famous and is known for its drama and emotion.

Tissot's artistic style is unique, characterized by detailed realism and his ability to capture emotion in his works. In this painting, Tissot uses an oil painting technique that allows him to create a vivid and realistic image of the crucifixion of Jesus.

The composition of the painting is impressive. Tissot uses a unique perspective to show the crucifixion from a different angle. Instead of showing Jesus on the cross, Tissot shows viewers the view from the foot of the cross. This perspective creates a sense of depth and makes the painting even more dramatic.

Color also plays an important role in this painting. Tissot uses a dark and somber color palette to create a feeling of sadness and despair. Gray and brown tones combine to create a gloomy and gloomy atmosphere.

The story behind the painting is fascinating. Tissot converted to Catholicism after the death of his lover and began creating religious artwork. This particular painting was created after Tissot suffered a spiritual crisis and wondered if God had abandoned him.

There are little-known aspects of this painting that make it even more interesting. For example, Tissot used real models to create the image of Jesus and the Roman soldiers. Tissot is also said to have been inspired by the artwork of medieval times to create this painting.

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