A Woman Weeps in a Crowd

size(cm): 25x15 original size
Sale price£64 GBP


The painting "A Weeping Woman In A Crowd" by James Tissot is a masterpiece of 19th century French realism. The composition of the painting is impressive, with a lone woman in the center of the image, surrounded by a crowd of people who seem to be ignoring her. The use of color is subtle but effective, with soft, muted tones creating an atmosphere of sadness and despair.

The story behind the painting is fascinating. Tissot was a French artist who moved to London in the 1870s. There, he fell in love with a woman named Kathleen Newton, who became his muse and model. Unfortunately, Newton died of tuberculosis in 1882, which left Tissot devastated. "A Weeping Woman In A Crowd" was painted shortly after Newton's death and is believed to represent the sadness and grief Tissot felt after his loss.

Although the painting is known for its realistic style, there are some lesser-known aspects that make it even more interesting. For example, Tissot used photographs as references for painting, which was a rare technique at the time. Furthermore, the woman in the center of the image closely resembles Kathleen Newton, suggesting that Tissot included her in the painting as a tribute to his beloved.

In short, "A Woman Cries In A Crowd" is a stunning work of art that combines stunning composition, subtle use of color, and a moving story. It is one of the most outstanding works of French realism and remains one of the most moving and emotional paintings in the history of art.

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