Tobias and the Angel

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price£140 GBP


The painting "Tobias and the Angel" by Filippino Lippi is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance. The 33 x 24 cm painting shows Tobias, a young Jew, accompanied by the archangel Raphael, who presents himself as a traveler. The story of Tobias and the Angel is found in the book of Tobias in the Bible, and tells how the angel helps Tobias heal his blind father and find a wife.

Filippino Lippi's artistic style is characterized by the use of bright colors and a detailed and painstaking painting technique. In "Tobias and the Angel", Lippi uses a palette of warm colors, such as yellow, orange and red, to create a feeling of warmth and light in the scene. In addition, the artist pays special attention to details, such as the characters' clothing and accessories, which are painted with great precision and realism.

The composition of the painting is also very interesting. Lippi uses a linear perspective technique to create a sense of depth in the scene. The angel, who is in the foreground, is presented as an important and powerful character, while Tobias, who is in the background, appears smaller and more vulnerable. The figure of the angel is also very expressive, with a serene look and a majestic posture.

Although "Tobias and the Angel" is a well-known and valued work by art experts, there are some lesser-known aspects of the painting that deserve to be highlighted. For example, Lippi is believed to have painted this work as a private commission, intended to be placed in a chapel or private home. In addition, the painting has been the subject of numerous symbolic interpretations, which relate it to themes such as faith, healing and divine protection.

In short, "Tobias and the Angel" is a fascinating painting that combines technique and aesthetic beauty with a religious history rich in meaning. Filippino Lippi's work is a leading example of Italian Renaissance art, and continues to be a source of inspiration for artists and art lovers around the world.

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