Still Life with Fruit Basket and Game

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price£187 GBP


Still-Life with Fruit Basket and Game is a masterpiece by Flemish artist Frans Snyders that transports us to a world of abundance and exuberance. This painting, with an original size of 92 x 136 cm, stands out for its baroque artistic style and its meticulous composition.

Snyders' artistic style is characterized by his ability to render objects and animals in a hyper-realistic manner. In this painting, we can appreciate the precision and detail with which the artist has represented each element. From the fresh and juicy fruits to the exotic animals, everything is painted with impressive technical mastery.

The composition of the work is another fascinating aspect. Snyders has created a dynamic and balanced scene, in which each element has its place. The play of light and shadow highlights the different objects and creates a sense of depth in the painting. In addition, the artist has used an aerial perspective to give the scene even more realism and depth.

Color is another prominent element in this painting. Snyders has used a rich and vibrant color palette to represent the fruits and animals. The warm tones of the ripe fruits contrast with the cool colors of the animals, creating a captivating visual harmony. In addition, the artist has used loose, gestural brushstrokes to bring life and movement to the painting.

The history of the painting is also interesting. Still-Life with Fruit Basket and Game was painted around 1610 and is in the collection of the Museo del Prado in Madrid. The work shows a hunting scene, with a basket of fruit surrounded by birds and dead animals. This depiction of abundance and wealth was very common in Baroque art, and Snyders masterfully captures it in this painting.

In addition to these known aspects, there are some lesser-known details about this work. For example, Snyders is believed to have collaborated with other artists, such as Peter Paul Rubens, in making some of his paintings. It is also said that Snyders was a great lover of animals and that he had a personal collection in his study, which allowed him to study them and represent them with great precision in his works.

In short, Still-Life with Fruit Basket and Game is a fascinating painting noted for its baroque artistic style, meticulous composition, vibrant color palette, and depiction of abundance and wealth. This masterpiece by Frans Snyders invites us to immerse ourselves in a world of beauty and exuberance.

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