Portrait of a Man

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price£133 GBP


The portrait "Portrait of a Man" by artist Rogier Van Der Weyden is a masterpiece that captures the essence and personality of its subject in an extraordinary way. With an original size of 32 x 22.8 cm, this painting demonstrates the skill and talent of the Flemish artist in the 15th century.

One of the most outstanding characteristics of this work is the artistic style of Van Der Weyden. His realistic and detailed approach can be seen in every brush stroke and in the accurate rendering of the facial features of the man portrayed. The artist manages to capture the subject's expression and gaze in a way that appears almost photographic, showing his technical mastery and ability to convey emotion through painting.

The composition of the painting is also remarkable. Van Der Weyden uses a balanced and symmetrical composition, placing the man in the center of the canvas and surrounding him with a dark, neutral background. This allows the figure of the sitter to stand out and become the main focus of the work. In addition, the artist uses a frontal and direct pose, which intensifies the connection between the subject and the viewer, creating a feeling of intimacy and closeness.

As for color, Van Der Weyden uses a limited and sober palette. Earthy and dark tones predominate, bringing a sense of seriousness and solemnity to the portrait. However, the artist also uses small touches of brighter, more vivid colors, such as the red of the hat and the green of the background, to add visual interest and highlight certain details.

The history of this painting is relatively unknown, which makes it a fascinating enigma. It is believed to have been created around 1450, but it is not known for certain who the man portrayed is. Some speculate that it could be a member of the nobility or an important person of the time, while others suggest that it could be a self-portrait of Van Der Weyden himself. This uncertainty only adds to the mystery and intrigue surrounding the work.

In short, Rogier Van Der Weyden's "Portrait of a Man" is a masterpiece that stands out for its realistic artistic style, balanced composition, understated color palette, and enigmatic story. Although its original size is relatively small, its visual and emotional impact is undeniable, leaving a lasting impression on those who have the opportunity to behold it.

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