Rebecca and Eleazar

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price£125 GBP


The painting "Rebecca and Eleazer" by the artist Francesco Solimena is a fascinating work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 202 x 150 cm, this masterpiece captures the viewer's attention from the first moment.

Regarding the artistic style, Solimena is characterized as an Italian Baroque painter, and this is clearly reflected in "Rebecca and Eleazer". The Baroque is characterized by its drama and exuberance, and Solimena does not disappoint in this painting. The characters are represented in a theatrical manner, with exaggerated gestures and expressions, which adds a level of emotion and tension to the scene.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect to highlight. Solimena uses a diagonal composition, with the main characters located at the bottom left of the work and extending up and to the right. This creates a sense of movement and dynamism in the scene, as the viewer's eyes are carried through the painting in a fluid manner.

When it comes to color, Solimena uses a rich and vibrant palette in "Rebecca y Eleazer." Warm tones, such as reds, golds, and browns, dominate the work, giving it a feeling of warmth and visual richness. Furthermore, the artist uses contrasts of light and shadow to highlight certain elements and give depth to the painting.

The story behind the painting is also intriguing. "Rebecca and Eleazer" depicts a scene from the Old Testament in which Eleazer, Abraham's servant, is sent to find a wife for Abraham's son Isaac. Eleazer meets Rebecca by a well, and after a series of tests, decides that she is the right wife for Isaac. Solimena captures this pivotal moment in biblical history, filling it with emotion and meaning.

Finally, there are little-known aspects of this painting that are worth mentioning. For example, Solimena worked on the painting for several years, which shows her dedication and thoroughness. Furthermore, this particular work was commissioned by an Italian nobleman, demonstrating its value and prestige in its time.

In short, "Rebecca and Eleazer" by Francesco Solimena is a painting that stands out for its baroque artistic style, dynamic composition, vibrant use of color, and its biblical story. This masterpiece is not only visually stunning, but also boasts a rich history and little-known details that make it even more interesting.

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