pigeon poles

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price£125 GBP


The Pigeon-post painting by Hungarian artist Miklós Barabás is a work of art noted for its realistic style and detailed composition. Measuring 106 x 84 cm, this piece presents a scene from daily life in which a messenger can be seen delivering a letter to a woman in a country house.

The artistic style used by Barabás in this work is very characteristic of his time, since it is a 19th century painting in which great attention to detail and a very precise technique are appreciated in the representation of objects and people. . In addition, the artist uses a very soft and natural color palette, which gives the work an air of tranquility and serenity.

The composition of the painting is also very interesting, as Barabas manages to create a feeling of depth and space in the scene. The figure of the messenger is in the foreground, while the woman and the farmhouse are in the background, creating a sense of distance between the two.

As for the history of the painting, it is known that it was created in 1853 and that it was exhibited at the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1855, where it received a bronze medal. In addition, it is known that the work was acquired by the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I and that it is currently part of the collection of the Hungarian National Museum.

Finally, it should be noted that this painting is little known outside of Hungary, so it represents a unique opportunity to discover a work of art of great historical and artistic value. In short, the Pigeon-post painting by Miklós Barabás is a work of art that deserves to be contemplated and admired for its beauty and exceptional technique.

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