Portrait of a Young Woman

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price£133 GBP


Portrait of a Young Woman is a masterpiece by the Italian artist Lorenzo Di Credi, created around 1480. The painting is a perfect example of the early Renaissance artistic style, characterized by precision of form and proportion, as well as realistic representation. of the subjects.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the young woman at the center of the image, with a serene and elegant expression. The figure is against a dark background, which makes the woman stand out and become the main focus of the work. The young woman is dressed in a red dress and a white veil, giving her an elegant and sophisticated look.

The colors used in the painting are vibrant and rich, adding depth and texture to the work. The intense red of the young woman's dress contrasts with the pure white of the veil, while the dark tones in the background add an air of mystery and drama to the scene.

The story behind the painting is largely unknown, but it is believed that the young woman portrayed could be a lover or muse of the artist. It has also been suggested that the work could be a portrait of the artist's wife or of a Florentine noblewoman.

As for lesser known aspects, it has been discovered that the painting was restored in the 19th century, which has led to some debates about the authenticity of the work. However, most experts agree that Portrait of a Young Woman is a genuine work by Lorenzo Di Credi and one of the best depictions of the early Renaissance.

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