Still Life with Fish in La Canasta

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price£140 GBP


Abraham Van Beyeren's Still-Life with Fish in Basket painting is a 17th-century masterpiece noted for its Baroque style and carefully crafted composition. The work features a variety of objects arranged on a table, including a basket of fish, a jug of wine, a basket of fruit, and various types of fresh shellfish.

The highlight of the painting is the artist's ability to create a sense of depth and realism in the scene. Objects appear to be layered, with some elements in the foreground and others in the background, creating a sense of depth and space in the painting.

Color is also an important aspect of the work. Van Beyeren uses a rich and vibrant color palette, with warm shades of brown, yellow and orange complemented by the fresh, bright colors of shellfish and fruit.

The story behind the painting is interesting, as it was created during a period when still life had become a popular genre in Dutch painting. The artist was one of the leading exponents of this genre and created many works similar to Still-Life with Fish in Basket.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Van Beyeren often worked with other artists to create his works. In this case, it is believed that the artist collaborated with a flower painter to create the composition of the painting, which explains the presence of the flowers in the fruit basket.

In short, Abraham Van Beyeren's Still-Life with Fish in Basket painting is an impressive work noted for its Baroque style, carefully crafted composition, and rich, vibrant color palette. The story behind the work and the little-known aspects of its creation make it even more interesting and valuable as a work of art.

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