The Flagellation of Christ

size(cm): 45x70
Sale price£179 GBP


The painting "The Flagellation of Christ" by Italian artist Nicola Grassi is a late-Baroque masterpiece noted for its drama and emotion. The composition of the work is impressive, with a sore and bloodied Christ in the center of the scene, surrounded by Roman soldiers who cruelly whip him.

Grassi's art style is highly detailed and realistic, making the work appear almost photographic. The details of the characters' faces and expressions are impressive, adding a sense of depth and emotion to the work. Furthermore, the use of chiaroscuro and dramatic lighting add a touch of mystery and tension to the scene.

The color in the work is very important, with dark and earthy tones that reflect the sadness and pain of the moment. The red and gold tones used in the clothing of the Roman soldiers add a touch of opulence and wealth to the work, contrasting with the humility and simplicity of Christ.

The history of the painting is interesting as it is believed to have been commissioned by the Barberini family, one of the most powerful families in 17th century Italy. The painting was exhibited in the church of San Lorenzo in Lucina in Rome, where it is currently located.

A little-known aspect of the work is that Grassi used members of his own family as models for the characters in the painting. The use of familiar models adds a personal and emotional touch to the work, making it even more moving.

In summary, "The Flagellation of Christ" by Nicola Grassi is an impressive work of art that stands out for its detailed and realistic art style, its dramatic and emotional composition, and its use of color to convey the sadness and pain of the moment. The history and little-known aspects of the work add an additional layer of interest and emotion to this late-Baroque masterpiece.

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