Interior with an Old Woman at a Spinning Wheel

size(cm): 50x55
Sale price£164 GBP


The painting "Interior with an Old Woman at a Spinning Wheel" by artist Boursse De Esaias is a 17th-century masterpiece featuring an everyday scene from 17th-century Dutch life. It is a small size oil painting, with original dimensions of 47 x 51 cm.

Boursse's artistic style is typical of the Baroque era, with meticulous attention to detail and a soft, delicate brushwork technique. The composition of the painting is impressive, with a careful arrangement of objects and characters in space. The old woman in the center of the painting is the focal point of the scene, with her figure bent over the spindle and distaff she is spinning.

The paint color is understated and realistic, with a limited palette of earth tones and grays. The soft light coming through the window creates a calm and serene atmosphere in the room.

The history of the painting is interesting because the work was wrongly attributed to Vermeer for a long time. It was only in the 20th century that it was discovered that the painting was actually the work of Boursse.

Also, there is a little known aspect of the painting which is the presence of a cat in the lower right corner of the painting. The cat is a subtle but significant detail that adds a touch of life and reality to the scene.

In summary, "Interior with an Old Woman at a Spinning Wheel" is an impressive painting that shows the talent and skill of Boursse De Esaias. Its artistic style, composition, color, and subtle details make this painting a 17th-century masterpiece.

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