Felt whipped by the wind - 1919

Size (cm): 55x85
Sale price£216 GBP


The painting "felt whispered by the wind" of 1919, created by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, offers us a visceral immersion in the natural world crossed by the strength and emotion that characterize the artist's work. Kirchner, an outstanding member of the expressionist group Die Brücke, developed a visual language that moves away from the traditional figurative representation to approach a more subjective and visceral experience of the environment. In this work, the spectator is confronted with a scene in which nature seems to come alive, subject to the inclement wind.

From the first glance, the composition reveals a palpable dynamism. Kirchner uses a palette of intense and contrasting colors that invoke an immediate emotional state. The deep green and the brown of the firs are visually stirred, suggesting not only the physical movement of the trees, but also a kind of psychic turbulence. The inclination of the treetops, beaten by an intense breeze, becomes a symbol of the internal tumult, a reflection of the struggles that the artist himself faced in his personal and professional life after the First World War.

The treatment of the form is equally revealing. The silhouettes of the firs fall to the side, distorted by the force of the wind, and in this distortion, Kirchner manages to communicate the fragility of nature against the external forces. Although there are no human figures in this work, its absence leaves us with the feeling that we are mere observers, helpless before the fury of nature, forced to contemplate a landscape that feels stripped of the human presence. This aesthetic decision shows Kirchner's disinterest in the literal representation, in favor of a deeper expression of his feelings and situations.

In addition, "hinged firs" is inscribed in a broader context of Kirchner's artistic production, which often explored the relationship between the human being and the natural environment. The influence of impressionism can be felt in the almost abrupt application of the colors, which reminds the brush dabs that are characterized by the capture of light and movement. However, in this work, Kirchner goes further, permeating his work with a sense of emotional urgency that reflects the traumatic impact of his historical context.

German expressionism takes over each stroke and every color, creating a bridge between reality and personal emotion. By stripping the nature of his usual calm, Kirchner not only portrays a landscape, but invites a reflection on the constant struggle of life, nature and, by extension, of his own being. The keys to his style resonate in other works of the time, where nature is both a shelter and an enemy, and its landscapes become a mirror of the internal turbulence of the human soul.

"A fouls whipped by the wind" is, therefore, more than a simple representation of nature; It is a statement about impermanence and resistance. In his work, Kirchner captures a fleeting moment, a palpable experience that deeply resonates with our understanding of the relationship between man and his environment. Through this piece, we are witnesses of art at its expression: an intense and emotional communication vehicle that transcends time and space.

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