Henry VIII

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price£133 GBP


The painting "Henry VIII" by artist Lucas Horenbout is an impressive work that captures the essence of England's most famous Tudor king. The work is a miniature portrait, measuring only 65 x 58 cm, but it is a true masterpiece.

Horenbout's artistic style is classical and refined, which is reflected in the elegance of the king's figure. The composition is simple but effective, with the king seated on his throne with an imposing and confident look. The painting is a sample of the artist's ability to capture the personality of the subject and transmit it to the viewer.

Color is another interesting aspect of the work. Gold and red tones predominate in the painting, reflecting the king's wealth and power. In addition, the artist has used an enamel technique that gives the painting a special shine and a unique texture.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. It was created in the 1520s, when Henry VIII was still a young king. The painting is considered one of the first realistic depictions of the monarch, and is believed to have been commissioned by Henry VIII himself as a gift to his wife Catherine of Aragon.

But what many do not know is that the painting was stolen in 1982 from Arundel Castle, where it was on display. It was recovered in 1987 and restored to its original state. It is currently part of the collection of the Royal Collection Trust and is on display at Hampton Court Palace.

In summary, the painting "Henry VIII" by Lucas Horenbout is an impressive work of art that combines the technical skill of the artist with the personality of the subject portrayed. The composition, color and story behind the work make it one of the most interesting paintings from the Tudor period.

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