Portrait of Vincenzo Cappello

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€170,95 EUR


Portrait of Vincenzo Cappello is a painting by the Italian artist Palma Giovane, depicting a young Venetian nobleman in the 16th century. The work is a sample of the mannerist artistic style, characterized by the exaggeration of the forms and the complexity of the composition.

The portrait is painted in oil on canvas, with an original size of 117 x 91 cm. The figure of Vincenzo Cappello stands in the center of the composition, dressed in an elegant suit and holding a glove in his right hand. Behind him, you can see a Venice cityscape, with buildings and canals.

The coloring of the painting is rich and varied, with warm and cold tones blending harmoniously. The light falls on the figure of the sitter, highlighting his face and clothing.

The history of the painting is interesting, as Vincenzo Cappello was a prominent figure in 16th century Venice. He was a nobleman and patron of the arts, who commissioned several portraits from Palma Giovane, including this one that is considered one of the most accomplished.

Little-known aspects of the work include the technique used by the artist to create the texture of the clothing and the details of the landscape. Palma Giovane was an expert in handling the brush, and in this portrait one can appreciate his ability to create effects of light and shadow with small brush strokes.

In summary, Portrait of Vincenzo Cappello is a work of great artistic and historical interest, which shows Palma Giovane's mastery in handling colour, composition and technique. A piece that continues to captivate lovers of art and beauty.

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