Portrait of Charles the Bold

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€162,95 EUR


The Portrait of Charles the Bold, painted by Rogier Van Der Weyden, is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 49 x 32 cm, this painting captivates the viewer with its realism and attention to detail.

Van Der Weyden's artistic style is characterized by his precision and ability to capture the essence and personality of his subjects. In the portrait of Charles the Bold, the artist manages to capture the majesty and power of the Duke of Burgundy. The sitter's facial features are meticulously painted, with a serious and determined expression that reflects his domineering character.

The composition of the painting is balanced and harmonious. Charles the Bold is presented from the front, taking up most of the canvas, giving him a sense of prominence and authority. The dark and neutral background allows the viewer to focus on the details of the sitter's face and clothing. The position of Charles the Bold, with his body turned slightly to the right, creates a sense of movement and dynamism in the painting.

The use of color in this work is sober and sophisticated. Van Der Weyden uses earthy and neutral tones, such as brown, gray and black, to represent the clothing and background. These colors help convey a sense of seriousness and power, in keeping with the personality of the sitter. However, the artist also uses small touches of color on Charles the Bold's face, such as red lips and blue eyes, to highlight his vitality and humanity.

The story behind this painting is fascinating. Charles the Bold was a major political and military leader in the 15th century, known for his ambition and aggressiveness. This painting was commissioned by Charles the Bold himself as an official portrait, meant to show his power and status. Although the Duke of Burgundy was killed in battle before the painting was completed, his legacy and portrait remain a testament to his influence and greatness.

In addition to its historical value, this painting also has little-known aspects that make it even more interesting. For example, Van Der Weyden is believed to have used a technique called "sfumato" to soften transitions between color tones, giving the painting a soft, ethereal appearance. Furthermore, it has been speculated that the artist may have used a mirror to reflect light onto Charles the Bold's face, thus achieving a luminous, realistic effect.

In short, Rogier Van Der Weyden's Portrait of Charles the Bold is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. This painting captures the essence and personality of the Duke of Burgundy, conveying his power and authority. Its history, little-known aspects and its original size of 49 x 32 cm make it a fascinating and captivating work of art.

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