Lot and His Daughters

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€152,95 EUR


The painting "Lot and His Daughters" by Italian artist Bernardo Cavallino is a work that has captivated art lovers for its baroque style and dramatic composition. The work, which measures 105 x 80 cm, represents a biblical scene in which Lot and his two daughters take refuge in a cave after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

What makes this painting so interesting is the way Cavallino has captured the tension and drama of the scene. The composition is very dynamic, with the figures of Lot and his daughters in the center of the image, while the dark cave and flames in the background add an element of danger and mystery. Light and shadows are used effectively to create an atmosphere of tension and danger.

The use of color is also notable in this work. Cavallino uses a dark and earthy color palette, with predominant shades of brown and gray. However, there are hints of red and yellow in the flames that add an element of intensity and drama. The artist also uses the glazing technique to create a transparent effect on the figures' clothing, which adds an element of realism and depth to the work.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. The story of Lot and his daughters is one of the most controversial in the Bible, and has been interpreted in various ways throughout history. The version that Cavallino represents in his work is one of the most dramatic and exciting, and he has been praised for his ability to capture the tension and danger of the situation.

In summary, the painting "Lot and His Daughters" by Bernardo Cavallino is a stunning work of art that combines dynamic composition, effective use of color, and a fascinating story to create a work that continues to captivate art lovers to this day. from today.

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