The Shooting Party

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€161,95 EUR


The Shooting Party, painted by the artist John Wootton, is a work that captivates with its artistic style, its masterful composition and its use of color. With an original size of 88.9 x 74 cm, this painting is a jewel of 18th century English art.

Wootton's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture the beauty and movement of horses, as well as his meticulous attention to detail. In The Shooting Party, this prowess is evident in the realistic depiction of animals, riders, and the surrounding landscape. The horses are painted with an elegance and grace that make them the undisputed protagonists of the work.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect to highlight. Wootton uses a diagonal perspective to guide the viewer's gaze through the scene. The riders and dogs are arranged in a curved line that runs from foreground to background, creating a sense of movement and depth. This arrangement also allows one to appreciate the beauty of the landscape, with its rolling hills and its clear blue sky.

As for color, Wootton uses a soft and harmonious palette that reflects the tranquility and elegance of the scene. Earthy tones dominate the landscape, while the riders and dogs are dressed in understated, neutral colors. However, the contrast between the white of the horses and the deep green of the grass adds a touch of vitality to the painting.

The story behind The Shooting Party is also fascinating. This work was commissioned by Sir Robert Walpole, the British Prime Minister at the time, who was passionate about hunting. The painting represents a group of aristocrats enjoying a day of hunting in the countryside, a very popular activity among the high society of the time. In addition to its aesthetic value, the painting also has an interesting historical and social background.

Finally, there are little-known aspects of this painting that deserve to be mentioned. For example, Wootton is believed to have been inspired by earlier works by artists such as George Stubbs and James Seymour to create The Shooting Party. In addition, it is said that the artist included portraits of real people in the work, which gives it a personal and unique touch.

In short, The Shooting Party is a painting that stands out for its artistic style, its dynamic composition, its use of color, and its interesting story. With its realistic depiction of horses and meticulous attention to detail, this work by John Wootton is a leading example of 18th-century English art.

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