Evangelista Scappi

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€171,95 EUR


The painting Evangelista Scappi by the artist France France is a masterpiece that captivates with its baroque artistic style and its harmonious and balanced composition. The painting, original size 55 x 44 cm, represents the famous 16th century Italian chef, Evangelista Scappi, who was the personal cook of Pope Pius V.

The painting is noted for its use of color, which is intense and vibrant, and for the chiaroscuro technique, which creates a sense of depth and relief in Scappi's figure. The artist has used a palette of warm, earthy tones to portray the chef, giving him a sense of solidity and stability.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the chef is depicted standing with one hand on his waist and the other holding a cookbook. Behind him, a table with kitchen utensils and a silver tray with food can be seen. Scappi's figure is framed by a red curtain, which gives the scene a theatrical and dramatic air.

The history of the painting is also fascinating, as it is believed to have been commissioned by Pope Pius V himself to commemorate his personal cook. The work has been the subject of numerous studies and analysis, and has become an object of interest for art historians and gastronomy lovers.

As for the little-known aspects of the painting, it is known that Francia Francia was a very influential artist in his time, working for important patrons such as the Pope and the Medici family. However, his work has been somewhat overshadowed by that of other, more famous Baroque artists, such as Caravaggio and Bernini.

In conclusion, the painting Evangelista Scappi by the artist France France is an exceptional work of art, which combines the baroque style, the chiaroscuro technique and a balanced and harmonic composition. Its history and its little-known aspects make it even more interesting and worth admiring.

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