Capricho: The Bridge of Pescaria and the Buildings in El Muelle

size(cm): 45x65
Sale price€209,95 EUR


The painting Capriccio: The Ponte della Pescaria and Buildings on the Quay by the artist Canaletto is a work of art that combines architectural elements from different locations to create an imaginary scene. This artistic style, known as caprice, was popular in the 18th century and was characterized by the creation of fictional landscapes.

In this work, Canaletto uses his ability to capture the essence of Venice, his hometown, and combines it with elements of Roman and Florentine architecture. The composition of the painting is impressive, with a carefully constructed perspective taking the viewer through the scene. The view of the Ponte della Pescaria, a bridge in Venice, is at the center of the painting and is the focal point of the work.

The use of color in the painting is impressive, with warm, rich tones creating a sense of depth and texture. The buildings in the painting are precisely detailed, demonstrating Canaletto's skill as an architectural painter.

The story behind this painting is interesting as it was created during the time that Canaletto was working in London. The work was commissioned by an English art collector and became one of the most popular pieces in his collection.

One of the lesser known aspects of this painting is that Canaletto did not create the work alone. He actually worked in collaboration with his nephew, Bernardo Bellotto, who was also a landscape painter. Bellotto was in charge of painting the buildings at the bottom of the painting, while Canaletto focused on perspective and the landscape in general.

In conclusion, Capriccio: The Ponte della Pescaria and Buildings on the Quay is an impressive work of art that combines architectural elements from different locations to create an imaginary scene. Canaletto's ability to capture the essence of Venice and his ability to create stunning perspective make this painting a masterpiece of whimsical art.

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