Still Life with Wine Glass and Silver Bowl

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price€199,95 EUR


The painting Still-life with Wine Glass and Silver Bowl by Pieter Claesz is a masterpiece of the still life genre. This painting was created in the 17th century, during the Dutch Golden Age, and is a stunning example of the Baroque style.

The composition of the painting is impressive. Claesz has carefully arranged the objects on the table, creating a sense of balance and harmony. The wine glass and silver bowl are placed in the center of the painting, surrounded by other objects such as a glass jug, a shell, and a knife. Natural light coming through the window illuminates the objects, creating a dramatic and realistic effect.

The color used by Claesz is very interesting. Most of the objects are in dark tones, which creates an impressive contrast with the light background and the light coming through the window. The silver and gold tones of the pitcher and bowl create an effect of shine and light that contrasts with the dark tones of the other objects.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed to have been created in 1623, when Claesz was only 26 years old. The painting has been the subject of study by many art historians, and has been used as an example of the still life technique in the Dutch Golden Age.

There are some lesser known aspects of the painting that are also interesting. For example, Claesz is believed to have used a concave mirror to create the image of the glass of wine in the painting. Furthermore, some experts believe that the painting could have been created as a form of advertisement for the objects depicted in it, as they were very popular at the time.

In short, the painting Still-life with Wine Glass and Silver Bowl by Pieter Claesz is a masterpiece of the still life genre. The composition, color and history of the painting are fascinating, and the work remains a stunning example of the Baroque style and still life technique in the Dutch Golden Age.

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