Still Life Breakfast with Oysters

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price€189,95 EUR


The painting Breakfast Still-Life with Oysters, by the artist Osias the Elder Beert, is a masterpiece of the still life genre. The composition of the painting is impressive, with an abundance of detail that makes the viewer feel as if they are sitting at the breakfast table.

The artistic style used by Beert is the Flemish Baroque, which is characterized by its exuberance and richness in detail. The painting is a sample of the artist's ability to represent everyday objects with great realism and precision.

The coloring of the painting is another of its highlights. Gold and brown tones dominate the scene, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The details of the objects, such as the texture of the wood on the table and the shine of the oysters, are masterfully rendered.

The history of the painting is interesting, as very little is known about its origin and its original purpose. It is believed to have been painted around the year 1610, but its exact history remains a mystery. Despite this, the painting has been widely admired for its beauty and technical skill.

One of the lesser known aspects of the painting is its symbolism. The objects represented in the scene, such as oysters and bread, have a symbolic meaning in the culture of the 17th century. Oysters, for example, were considered an exquisite delicacy and a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

All in all, Breakfast Still-Life with Oysters is a fascinating painting that combines technical skill, aesthetic beauty, and symbolism. It is a masterpiece of the still life genre and a sample of the talent of the artist Osias the Elder Beert.

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