Saint Lucia in the Tomb of Saint Agueda

size(cm): 50x105
Sale price£242 GBP


The painting St Lucy at the Tomb of St Agatha by the artist Lorenzo Lotto is an impressive work that presents a large number of details and interesting elements that make it stand out in the art world. First of all, the artistic style used by Lotto in this work is the Italian Renaissance, characterized by attention to detail and precision in the representation of objects and figures.

The composition of the painting is also very interesting, as it presents a complex scene in which various figures can be seen in different positions and with different expressions. The central figure is that of Saint Lucia, who is standing next to the tomb of Saint Agatha, while other figures, such as angels and saints, are in different positions around them.

The color used by Lotto in this work is also very striking, with a rich and varied palette that includes shades of red, green, blue and gold. These colors are used to highlight different elements of the painting, such as details of clothing and decorative objects found in the scene.

The history of the painting is also very interesting, since it is believed that it was commissioned by the family of Santa Ágata to commemorate her life and death. The work was created in the 16th century and is currently in the collection of the National Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon, Portugal.

Lastly, there are some little-known aspects of this painting that make it even more interesting. For example, Lotto is believed to have included his own image in the work, depicted as one of the angels found in the scene. In addition, it has been speculated that the figure of Saint Lucia could represent the artist's wife, since both shared the same name. All in all, the painting St Lucy at the Tomb of St Agatha by Lorenzo Lotto is an impressive work that continues to fascinate lovers of art and history.

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