Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price£125 GBP


The painting "Saint Elizabeth of Hungary" by the artist Francisco de Zurbarán is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 125 x 101 cm, this work captures the essence of the saint in a unique and captivating way.

Regarding the artistic style, Zurbarán belongs to the Spanish Baroque movement and is characterized by his realistic and detailed approach. In "Saint Elizabeth of Hungary," we can appreciate the artist's ability to depict the texture and details of the saint's clothing, as well as the serene expression on her face. Each brush stroke is carefully applied, resulting in a vivid, three-dimensional image.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Zurbarán chose to represent Saint Elizabeth of Hungary standing with her hands folded in prayer and looking up. This pose conveys a sense of devotion and spiritual connection. In addition, the figure of the saint is framed by a dark background, which highlights her presence and makes her stand out even more.

As for colour, Zurbarán uses a sober and limited palette in "Santa Isabel de Hungría". Dark and earthy tones predominate, such as brown and gray, which contributes to creating an atmosphere of serenity and seclusion. However, the artist also uses touches of brighter colors, such as the intense red of the saint's cape and the pure white of her dress, to highlight her figure and symbolize her holiness.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Zurbarán made this work in the 17th century, during the period of the Counter-Reformation in Spain. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary was a princess who gave up her life of privileges to dedicate herself to helping the poor and sick. Her story of sacrifice and charity made her a symbol of virtue and holiness, and Zurbarán captures that essence in her painting.

In addition to these more well-known aspects, there are lesser-known but equally interesting details about this work. For example, it is believed that Zurbarán may have used a real model to represent Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, which would have allowed him to more accurately capture the saint's features and expression.

In short, the painting "Saint Elizabeth of Hungary" by Francisco de Zurbarán is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. Through his realistic and detailed representation, the artist manages to convey the devotion and holiness of the saint. This work is a testament to Zurbarán's talent and mastery, and continues to be a source of admiration and contemplation to this day.

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