Saint Irene Nurses San Sebastian

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price£117 GBP


The painting "St Irene Nurses St Sebastian" by the artist Josse Lieferinxe is a work that stands out for its Gothic artistic style and its symmetrical and balanced composition. The work shows Saint Irene healing the wounds of the martyr Saint Sebastian, who was tied to a tree and shot with arrows by order of the Roman Emperor Diocletian.

The painting is small in size, with an original measurement of 83 x 55 cm, but its detail and precision are impressive. The technique used by Lieferinxe is oil painting on panel, which allows him to create an image rich in textures and details.

The coloring of the work is sober and dark, reflecting the sadness and suffering of the moment represented. However, the artist uses small brushstrokes of brighter colors to highlight certain elements of the composition, such as the crowns of the saints or the clothing of the characters.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by the Brotherhood of San Sebastián in the city of Toledo, Spain, in the 15th century. The work was kept in the chapel of the brotherhood for centuries until it was transferred to the Prado Museum in Madrid, where it is currently located.

A little known aspect of the painting is that, at the bottom of the work, you can see a small self-portrait of the artist. Lieferinxe portrayed himself as one of the Roman soldiers surrounding the saints, demonstrating his ability to include personal details in his works.

In summary, the painting "St Irene Nurses St Sebastian" by Josse Lieferinxe is an impressive work of art that stands out for its Gothic style, balanced composition, detailed technique and interesting history.

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