Saint Giustina and the Guardian Angel Recommending the Soul of a Baby to the Virgin and Child

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price£117 GBP


The painting "St Giustina and the Guardian Angel Commending the Soul of an Infant to the Madonna and Child" by the Italian artist Gaetano Gandolfi is an impressive work that combines technique and emotion in a unique way. The painting is a masterpiece of the late Baroque style, characterized by exuberance and drama.

The composition of the painting is impressive. At the center of the painting is the figure of the Virgin Mary, holding the baby Jesus on her lap. At her side, the guardian angel holds the soul of a deceased child, which is being presented to the Virgin for her blessing. The figure of St. Giustina, a Christian martyr, stands behind the Virgin, looking up at the sky.

The use of color in painting is very interesting. The warm skin tones of the characters contrast with the cool tones of heaven and angels. The fabrics worn by the characters are rendered with great skill, with folds and shadows that create a sense of movement and depth.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by the Cattani family in 1769 for their private chapel in the church of San Giovanni in Monte in Bologna. The painting was restored in 2012 and is now in the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna.

One of the lesser known aspects of the painting is that Gandolfi used his wife as a model for the figure of the Virgin Mary. It is also said that the figure of the guardian angel was inspired by the newborn son of the Cattani family.

In summary, the painting "St Giustina and the Guardian Angel Commending the Soul of an Infant to the Madonna and Child" is an impressive work of art that combines technique and emotion in a unique way. The composition, color and history of the painting make it a masterpiece of the late Baroque style.

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