Saint Michael Fighting Demons

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price£117 GBP


The Master Of The Legend Of Saint Ursula (I) painting St Michael Fighting Demons is an impressive work of art that commands attention for its unique artistic style and dramatic composition. The painting represents Saint Michael, the archangel, heroically fighting against the demons of hell.

The artistic style of the painting is typical of the Renaissance, combining elements of Gothic painting and early Renaissance painting. The figure of Saint Michael is represented with strong muscles and a heroic posture, while the demons are grotesque and terrifying. The composition of the painting is very dynamic, with Saint Michael at the center of the image and the demons around him, creating a sense of movement and action.

The color of the painting is vibrant and rich, with a palette of dark and bright tones that reflect the drama and tension of the scene. The original painting is 30 x 19.5 cm in size, making it a relatively small but powerful piece of art.

The history of the painting is little known, but it is believed to have been created in the 15th century for a church or monastery in Europe. The painting has been preserved in excellent condition and is one of the most outstanding pieces of the Master of the Legend of Santa Ursula (I).

In short, the St Michael Fighting Demons painting is a stunning work of art that combines a unique artistic style, dramatic composition, vibrant color, and a fascinating story. It is a work of art that is worth appreciating and contemplating in detail.

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