Saint Maurus Healing the Sick

size(cm): 45x90
Sale price£211 GBP


The painting "St Maurus Healing the Sick" by the artist Francesco Solimena is a fascinating work that combines a baroque artistic style with a dynamic composition and masterful use of color. Originally 75 x 153 cm in size, this painting captures the viewer's attention with its detailed and emotional depiction of the scene.

Solimena's artistic style is characterized by its drama and ability to capture emotion in his works. In "St Maurus Healing the Sick", this is reflected in the intense expression of the characters and in the vivid depiction of miraculous healing. Solimena uses loose, gestural brushstrokes to create a sense of movement and energy in the composition.

The composition of the painting is remarkably balanced and harmonious. Solimena uses a triangular arrangement to arrange the main characters in the center of the work, while the patients are in the lower corners. This arrangement creates a sense of order and hierarchy in the scene, accentuating the importance of the healing act.

The use of color in "St Maurus Healing the Sick" is another highlight of the work. Solimena employs a rich and vibrant palette, with warm tones that evoke a sense of vitality and hope. Rich, contrasting colors help bring out the characters' gestures and expressions, adding depth and drama to the scene.

The story behind this painting is also intriguing. "St Maurus Healing the Sick" depicts an episode from the life of Saint Maurus, a Benedictine saint known for his healing abilities. According to legend, San Mauro had the gift of healing the sick just by touching them. In the painting, Solimena captures this miraculous moment, with the saint extending his hands to the sick, who appear to be experiencing immediate relief.

Despite its beauty and artistic quality, "St Maurus Healing the Sick" is a little-known work compared to other Solimena paintings. However, its importance lies in its ability to convey emotions and tell stories through painting. It is a testament to Solimena's talent and mastery of Baroque art and deserves to be appreciated and studied for its artistic value and its depiction of faith and healing.

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