Saint Matthew and the Angel

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price£140 GBP


The Saint Matthew and the Angel painting by artist Simone Cantarini is an impressive work of art noted for its baroque style and dramatic composition. The work represents the evangelist Matthew, seated on a rock, while an angel dictates the divine words to write the Gospel.

Cantarini's artistic style is evident in the way he uses light and shadow to create dramatic effect in painting. The figure of Matthew is illuminated by heavenly light, while the angel is shrouded in shadow, creating an interesting contrast between the two figures.

The composition of the painting is very balanced and harmonious, suggesting the artist's ability to create a coherent work of art. The angel is depicted in an elevated position, suggesting his divine nature, while Matthew is depicted in a lower position, suggesting his humanity.

The color used in the painting is very striking and vibrant, adding a sense of vitality to the work. Gold and yellow tones create a heavenly atmosphere, while darker tones suggest the presence of evil.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was created in the 17th century for the church of San Francesco in Cesena, Italy. The work was commissioned by Cardinal Carlo de' Medici, who was a great patron of art.

Little-known aspects of the painting include the technique used by Cantarini to create the work. The artist used a technique called "sfumato", which consists of blurring the edges of the figures to create an effect of softness and mystery.

In conclusion, the painting Saint Matthew and the Angel by Simone Cantarini is an impressive work of art that stands out for its artistic style, its balanced composition, its use of color and its interesting history. The work is a showcase of the artist's talent and his ability to create a cohesive and exciting work of art.

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