Saint Martin of Tours and Saint Nicholas of Bari

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price£133 GBP


The painting "St Martin of Tours and St Nicholas of Bari" by the German Unknown Master is a fascinating work that deserves to be explored in detail. With an original size of 76.2 x 67.3 cm, this piece is a leading example of medieval art and gives us a unique insight into the artistic style of the time.

In terms of artistic style, the painting exhibits characteristics of the late Gothic, with meticulous attention to detail and a realistic depiction of the subjects. The Unknown German Master uses a precise and meticulous brushstroke technique, which is evident in the texture of the clothing and in the facial features of the saints represented.

The composition of the painting is remarkably balanced and symmetrical. The two saints, San Martín de Tours and San Nicolás de Bari, are in a frontal shot, looking directly at the viewer. Saint Martin, on the left, is represented on horseback, while Saint Nicholas, on the right, holds a holy book. This symmetrical arrangement creates a sense of harmony and order in the work.

As for color, the German Unknown Master uses a rich and vibrant palette. Warm tones predominate in the painting, with intense colors such as red, gold and blue. These colors not only provide a visually striking look, but also convey a sense of holiness and divinity.

The history of the painting "St Martin of Tours and St Nicholas of Bari" is in itself intriguing. Although the identity of the author is unknown, the work is believed to have been created in the 15th century in Germany. During this period, religious art was highly valued and was used to convey Christian teachings and values ​​to the population.

Despite the lack of information about the author, the painting reveals interesting details about the lives of the depicted saints. Saint Martin of Tours, for example, is known for his generosity and for having shared his cloak with a beggar on a cold night. Saint Nicholas of Bari, on the other hand, is revered as the patron saint of sailors and children.

In addition to these more well-known aspects, the painting also reveals lesser-known details that may not be visible to the naked eye. For example, you can appreciate symbols and iconographic elements that refer to the lives and miracles of the saints. These hidden details invite the viewer to explore the work more closely and discover new layers of meaning.

In summary, the painting "St Martin of Tours and St Nicholas of Bari" by the German Unknown Master is a captivating work that stands out for its late Gothic artistic style, balanced composition, vibrant color palette, and rich history. Through this painting, the viewer can immerse themselves in the medieval world and explore the lesser-known aspects of the lives of the saints represented.

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