Saint Lawrence Giustiniani and Other Saints

size(cm): 70x35
Sale price£164 GBP


The painting St Lorenzo Giustiniani and Other Saints by the artist Cañonera is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece noted for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. The piece measures 420 x 220 cm and was created in the 15th century.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a central figure of San Lorenzo Giustiniani surrounded by other saints and angels. The figure of San Lorenzo is in the center of the composition, with a calm and serene gaze that conveys a sense of peace and devotion. The other saints and angels are arranged around San Lorenzo, creating an effect of movement and dynamism in the work.

The use of color is another prominent aspect of the painting. Cañonera uses a palette of vibrant and saturated colors, which create an effect of luminosity and vitality in the work. The details of the clothing and objects in the painting are meticulously rendered, demonstrating the artist's technical skill.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by the church of San Lorenzo in Venice in the 15th century. The work was considered one of the most important of the Italian Renaissance and was admired for its beauty and technical perfection.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Cañonera used innovative techniques in its creation. For example, he used a layered painting technique, where he applied layers of transparent paint to create an effect of depth and volume in the work.

In short, the painting St Lorenzo Giustiniani and Other Saints by the artist Cañonera is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece noted for its artistic style, composition, use of color, and innovative technique. The work is a stunning example of the talent and skill of Italian Renaissance artists.

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