Saint Lawrence Distributing Alms

size(cm): 50x50
Sale price£156 GBP


The painting "St Lawrence Distributing the Alms" by artist Michael Pacher is a German Renaissance masterpiece noted for its unique artistic style and dramatic composition. The work, which measures 100 x 97 cm, shows Saint Lawrence, the patron saint of the poor, distributing alms to the needy.

Pacher's artistic style is evident in the painting, with his masterful use of chiaroscuro and his ability to create a sense of depth and realism in the image. The fine and minute details of the characters' clothing and the architecture behind them are impressive and show the artist's skill.

The composition of the work is equally impressive, with Saint Lawrence at the center of the image, surrounded by a multitude of people in need. The use of perspective and the placement of characters in the painting creates a sense of movement and action, making the painting even more interesting for the viewer.

Color is another highlight of the painting, with a palette of rich, warm tones creating a welcoming and comforting atmosphere. The details on the characters' clothing and the architecture behind them are rich in gold and red tones, making the image even more attractive.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by the church of San Lorenzo in Bolzano, Italy, and is believed to have been completed around 1480. The painting has undergone restoration and preservation several times over the years, allowing its beauty and detail will be appreciated by future generations.

In short, Michael Pacher's painting "St Lawrence Distributing the Alms" is a German Renaissance masterpiece noted for its unique artistic style, dramatic composition, rich color palette, and fascinating history. It is a work of art that continues to captivate viewers today and remains one of the most outstanding pieces of Italy's artistic heritage.

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