Saint John on Patmos

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price£133 GBP


The painting "St John on Patmos" by artist Hans Baldung Grien is a German Renaissance masterpiece that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This 87 x 76 cm painting depicts Saint John the Evangelist on the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation.

The highlight of this artwork is its artistic style, which combines elements of late Gothic and early Renaissance. The figure of Saint John is depicted with realistic and detailed anatomy, while the figure of the angel behind him is more gothic in style, with a more spectral and ethereal appearance.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect. Saint John is seated on a rock with an open book on his lap, while the angel supports him from behind with one hand and points heavenward with the other. The background is composed of a rocky and mountainous landscape, with a dramatic sky filled with dark clouds and rays of light radiating from the angel.

Color is also an important aspect of painting. The use of dark and somber tones in the background and in the figure of the angel creates a mysterious and otherworldly atmosphere, while the lighter tones in the figure of Saint John suggest a sense of peace and tranquility.

The history of the painting is another interesting aspect. It was commissioned by the Bishop of Strasbourg in the 16th century and is believed to have been part of an altarpiece in a local church. The painting was stolen during World War II and recovered in 1945 by the US Army.

In summary, the painting "St John on Patmos" by Hans Baldung Grien is a fascinating work of art that combines elements of late Gothic and early Renaissance. Its artistic style, composition, color and history make this painting a unique and valuable piece of European artistic heritage.

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