San Juan el Almoner

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price£133 GBP


The painting St John the Almoner, created by the Italian artist Bartolomeo Biscaino in the 17th century, is a work that stands out for its Baroque style and its dramatic and emotional composition.

The central figure of the work is Saint John the Almoner, who is surrounded by a group of needy people who are waiting for his help. The composition of the painting is very dynamic, with a large number of figures and elements that intertwine and overlap on different planes.

The use of color is another interesting aspect of the work, with a rich and vibrant palette that includes shades of gold, red, blue and green. The details in the clothing and objects of the characters are very careful, which gives an effect of realism and depth to the work.

The history of the painting is also interesting, as it is known that it was commissioned by the Brotherhood of Saint John the Almsgiver in Genoa, Italy, to decorate their chapel in the church of Saint Francis of Assisi. The work was restored in the 20th century and is currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

A little known aspect of the work is that Biscaino was not only a painter, but also an engraver and a designer of theatrical sets. This is reflected in the richness of detail and intricacy of the composition of the painting St John the Almoner.

In summary, the painting St John the Almoner by Bartolomeo Biscaino is a work that stands out for its baroque style, its dynamic and emotional composition, its use of color and its rich history. It is a work that deserves to be admired and studied for its beauty and its importance in the history of art.

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