Saint John the Baptist in the Desert

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price£140 GBP


The painting St John the Baptist in the Desert by Jusepe De Ribera is a masterpiece of Spanish Baroque art. The work was created in 1640 and measures 182 x 150 cm. The painting depicts Saint John the Baptist in the desert, dressed in animal skins and holding a staff in his left hand.

Ribera's artistic style is very distinctive in this painting, as he uses a technique called tenebrism, which is characterized by the contrast between light and dark. In the painting, the light shines on the face and body of Saint John the Baptist, while the dark and gloomy background creates a mysterious and dramatic atmosphere.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as Ribera uses a diagonal perspective to create an effect of depth. Saint John the Baptist is represented in the foreground, while the background of the desert stretches towards the horizon. In addition, the figure of Saint John the Baptist is placed at an angle that gives it a dynamic and energetic appearance.

Color is also a prominent aspect of the painting. The artist uses a limited palette, with earthy and dark tones that create an austere and somber atmosphere. However, the face of Saint John the Baptist is illuminated with a golden hue, which gives him a divine and heavenly feeling.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by the Duke of Medina de las Torres for his private chapel in Seville. The work has been the subject of numerous studies and analysis, and there has been speculation about its meaning and symbolism.

In short, Jusepe De Ribera's St John the Baptist in the Desert is a masterpiece of Spanish Baroque art, noted for its distinctive artistic style, dynamic composition, use of color, and intriguing story. It is a painting that continues to fascinate viewers to this day.

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