Saint John the Baptist and Bernardo Degli Uberti

size(cm): 50x45
Sale price£148 GBP


The painting "Sts John the Baptist and Bernardo degli Uberti" by Andrea Del Sarto is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, noted for its sophisticated artistic style and masterful composition. The work, which measures 184 x 172 cm, represents two Christian saints, Saint John the Baptist and Bernardo degli Uberti, in a naturalistic landscape of hills and trees.

Del Sarto's artistic style is characterized by his soft and delicate painting technique, which creates a serene and calm atmosphere in the work. In addition, the artist uses a palette of soft and warm colors, which bring a sense of harmony and balance to the painting.

The composition of the work is another of its most interesting aspects. Del Sarto uses a triangular structure to arrange the elements of the painting, with the two saints at the center and the surrounding hills and trees framing them. This structure gives a sense of stability and balance to the work, and highlights the importance of the saints represented.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by the Medici family in the 16th century, and is believed to have been created as part of a series of paintings for the family's chapel in the church of San Lorenzo in Florence. However, the work was stolen during the French occupation in 1799, and was later sold to a private collector. Finally, the painting was returned to the church of San Lorenzo in 1815, where it is currently located.

In addition to these well-known aspects, there are some lesser-known details that make this work even more interesting. For example, it is believed that Del Sarto included his own self-portrait in the painting, in the figure of Saint John the Baptist. It has also been speculated that the figure of Bernardo degli Uberti was modeled after the artist's own son.

All in all, "Sts John the Baptist and Bernardo degli Uberti" is an exceptional work of art, combining del Sarto's masterful technique with carefully crafted composition and a fascinating story. It is a work that continues to captivate viewers centuries after its creation.

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