Holy Humility and Scenes from his Life

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price£117 GBP


The painting St Humility and Scenes from her Life by Italian artist Pietro Lorenzetti is a 14th-century masterpiece that has fascinated art lovers for centuries. The work measures 257 x 168 cm and is made up of several scenes that represent the life of Santa Humildad, a Benedictine nun from the 13th century.

The artistic style used by Lorenzetti in this work is Italian Gothic, which is characterized by the use of curved lines and the representation of stylized and elegant figures. The composition of the play is impressive, with each scene carefully placed for dramatic and emotional effect. Meticulous detail and attention to realism are evident in every figure and object depicted.

Color is another important aspect of the work. Lorenzetti uses a rich and varied color palette, ranging from soft and delicate tones to more vibrant and intense colours. The details in the clothing and objects are impressive, and the skin and hair tones are realistic and natural.

The story behind the painting is equally fascinating. The work was commissioned by the Abbey of San Galgano in Siena, Italy, and is believed to have been created between 1310 and 1315. The work is known to have hung in the abbey's church, where it remained for centuries before being moved to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, where it is currently located.

One of the least known aspects of the work is the representation of the figure of Saint Humility. Although not a well-known figure in Church history, Lorenzetti manages to create a powerful and moving image of the Benedictine nun. The figure of Saint Humility is depicted with great dignity and strength, making her an inspiring and moving figure.

In short, Pietro Lorenzetti's painting St Humility and Scenes from her Life is a masterpiece of Italian Gothic art that combines stunning composition, masterful use of color, and a fascinating story to create a truly unforgettable work of art.

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