size(cm): 45x35
Sale price$170.00 USD


The Triptych painting by the Flemish artist Adriaen Isenbrant is a work of art that has captivated painting lovers since its creation in the 16th century. This painting is made up of three panels, which is typical of triptych paintings of the period.

Isenbrant's artistic style is very evident in this work, as one can appreciate his ability to create realistic details in the faces and clothing of the characters. Furthermore, the artist uses a highly detailed and meticulous painting technique, giving the work a sense of depth and texture.

The composition of the Triptych painting is very interesting, as each panel tells a different story. The central panel shows the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus, while the side panels show Saints Peter and Paul. The way the characters are arranged on the panels is very symmetrical, creating a visual balance in the work.

The color in the Triptych painting is very vibrant and full of life. The warm tones of the characters contrast against the dark backgrounds, making the characters appear to jump out of the painting. In addition, the details on the characters' clothing are full of bright and rich colors.

The history of the Triptych painting is very interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by a wealthy Bruges family in the 16th century. The work has passed through various hands over the centuries, finally being acquired by the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1962.

As for little-known aspects, it is known that Isenbrant was a very prolific artist, and that he produced many works throughout his career. However, the Triptych painting is one of the few works by Isenbrant to be in a museum in the United States.

In conclusion, Adriaen Isenbrant's Triptych painting is a fascinating work of art that showcases the artist's ability to create realistic detail and balanced composition. The vibrant color and interesting history of the painting make it a work worth seeing and appreciating.

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