Virgin and Child with Saint Elizabeth, John and Michael

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$180.00 USD


The painting "Virgin and Child with Sts Elizabeth, John and Michael" is a work of art by the Unknown Italian Master that presents a number of interesting and captivating aspects.

Regarding the artistic style, this painting belongs to the Italian Renaissance, characterized by its attention to detail and its focus on the realistic representation of human figures. The unknown Italian master shows an exceptional ability to capture beauty and grace in the figure of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, as well as in the figures of Saints Elizabeth, John, and Michael.

The composition of the painting is balanced and harmonious, with the main figures placed in the center and surrounded by a calm and serene landscape. The Virgin Mary holds the baby Jesus on her lap, while Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, and the archangel Michael stand by her side. This symmetrical arrangement creates a sense of order and serenity in the work.

The use of color in this painting is also remarkable. The unknown Italian master employs a soft and delicate palette, dominated by shades of blue, pink and gold. These colors convey a sense of calm and spirituality, emphasizing the divine nature of the figures depicted.

As for the history of the painting, little is known about its origin and authorship. The Italian Unknown Master is a term used to refer to artists whose names have been lost over time. This adds an aura of mystery and fascination to the work as we wonder who the talented artist who created it might have been.

Also, there are little-known aspects about this painting that make it even more interesting. For example, it is believed that it was created in the 15th century, but it is not known with certainty in which region of Italy it was made. This raises questions about its historical and cultural context, and invites us to reflect on the artistic influences that may have shaped this work.

In summary, the painting "Virgin and Child with Sts Elizabeth, John and Michael" by the Unknown Italian Master is a fascinating work of art that stands out for its Renaissance artistic style, its balanced composition, its delicate use of color and its mysterious authorship. This painting invites us to contemplate beauty and spirituality through the representation of religious figures and leaves us curious to discover more about its history and context.

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