The Angel and Tobias with The Fish

size(cm): 45x75
Sale price$255.00 USD


The painting The Angel and Tobias with the Fish, created by the artist Pieter Pietersz Último Hombre, is a work of art that stands out for its baroque artistic style and its detailed and careful composition. With an original size of 34.3 x 59 cm, this painting tells the biblical story of Tobias and the angel who guides him on his journey to cure his father's blindness.

The use of color in this work is impressive, with warm, vibrant tones contrasting with dark shadows and carefully crafted details. The sunlight that illuminates the scene is reflected in the river water, creating an effect of movement and life.

The composition of the painting is also remarkable, with a clear separation between the main characters and the background landscape. The angel and Tobias are in the center of the image, surrounded by fish and other natural elements that help tell the story.

The story behind the painting is also interesting, as it is based on a passage from the book of Tobit in the Bible. The story tells how Tobias, accompanied by the angel Raphael, travels to Media to recover a debt from his father and, on the way, cures his father's blindness with the help of a miraculous fish.

Despite its beauty and artistic quality, this painting is less well known than other works of art of the time. However, its historical and artistic significance is undeniable, and its detailed, baroque style remains a source of inspiration for artists today.

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