Saint John Altarpiece (central panel)

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price$188.00 USD


The St John Altarpiece (central panel) painting by artist Hans Memling is an impressive work of art that captivates the viewer with its artistic style and detailed composition. This Flemish Renaissance masterpiece is one of Memling's most famous paintings, and its original size of 173.6 x 173.7 cm makes it a work of great visual impact.

The painting shows Saint John the Baptist, the patron saint of Bruges, in the center of the central panel, surrounded by angels and saints. The composition is symmetrical and balanced, with the saints and angels arranged in a circular pattern around Saint John. The fine, precise details of the painting are impressive, from the folds of the saints' robes to the angels' wings.

Color is also a prominent aspect of the St John Altarpiece painting. Memling used a rich, vibrant color palette, including shades of gold, green, red, and blue. Colors are skillfully used to create depth and shadow, giving the painting a sense of realism and movement.

The story behind the painting is also interesting. It was commissioned by the Moreel family, one of the richest and most powerful families in Bruges at the time, for their chapel in St. John's Church. The painting was completed around 1479 and became one of the most important works of art in the city.

Also, there are lesser known aspects about the St John Altarpiece painting that make it even more fascinating. For example, Memling is believed to have used his own face as a model for the seated angel at the top of the painting. The painting is also known to have undergone restorations and damage over the centuries, affecting its original appearance.

In short, Hans Memling's St John Altarpiece painting is a stunning work of art that combines technical skill, balanced composition, and a vibrant color palette. Its little-known history and details make it even more fascinating and make it a work of art worth exploring.

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