San Bartolome

size(cm): 70x40
Sale price$230.00 USD


The painting St Bartholomew by the artist Giovanni Bonsi is a work that stands out for its Renaissance artistic style, characterized by the precision in the details and the realistic representation of the figures. The composition of the painting is very interesting, since Saint Bartholomew can be seen in the foreground, with a serene look and a devotional expression on his face.

The color of the painting is another aspect that attracts attention, with a palette of warm tones that bring a feeling of warmth and tranquility to the environment. The use of light and shadows is also very remarkable, creating an effect of depth and realism in the figure of the saint.

The history of the painting is also very interesting, since it is believed that it was made in the 15th century and that it was part of an altarpiece in the church of San Bartolomé in Florence, Italy. Despite its small original size (35 x 19 cm), the work has been valued for its artistic quality and its historical importance.

One of the lesser-known aspects of the painting is that Saint Bartholomew is represented in it with the skin of an animal over his shoulder, which refers to the tradition that he was skinned alive for his Christian faith. This detail shows the artist's ability to convey symbolism and narrative through painting.

In short, the painting St Bartholomew by Giovanni Bonsi is a work of great artistic and historical value, which stands out for its Renaissance style, its composition, its color and its symbolism. A true jewel of Italian art that deserves to be admired and valued for its quality and beauty.

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