Portraits of Hans Luther and Margarita Luther

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$180.00 USD


The painting "Portraits of Hans Luther and Margaretha Luther" by the artist Lucas Cranach the Elder is a masterpiece of the German Renaissance. The work was created in 1526 and is currently in the collection of the National Art Museum of Catalonia.

Cranach the Elder's artistic style is characterized by the use of a refined and detailed technique, which can be seen in every brushstroke of the painting. The composition of the work is very interesting, since the portraits of Hans and Margaretha are framed by a naturalistic landscape, which shows the artist's ability to capture nature in great detail.

The color used in the painting is very vibrant and bright, which gives an air of freshness and vitality to the work. The warm tones of the background are combined with the cool tones of the characters' clothing, creating a very interesting visual contrast.

Also, the story behind the painting is very interesting. Hans Luther was the father of Martin Luther, the leader of the Protestant Reformation, and Margaretha was his wife. Cranach the Elder was a close friend of Luther's, and it is believed that it was he who recommended the artist to paint the family portraits.

Finally, there is a little-known aspect of the work that is very interesting. On the back of the painting is an inscription that reads "Lucas Cranach the Elder painted this in the year 1526, at the age of 63." This is very interesting because it shows that Cranach the Elder was still working and creating art well into old age, which is a testament to his dedication and passion for his craft.

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