Portrait of a Lady with a Carnation

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$191.00 USD


The Portrait of a Lady with a Carnation is a work of art by the Maestro De La Leyenda De Santa Ursula (I), dating from the 15th century. This painting is a stunning depiction of a young woman holding a carnation flower in her right hand. The woman is dressed in a green tunic and a red cloak, which stretches out behind her in a pattern of graceful folds.

The artistic style of the work is typical of the early Renaissance, with meticulous attention to detail and a smooth and delicate painting technique. The composition of the painting is simple but effective, with the woman placed in the center of the image and her gaze directly towards the viewer. The position of the hand with the carnation is a subtle yet significant touch, adding an element of symbolism to the image.

The color in the painting is vibrant and rich, with deep shades of red, green, and brown. The use of light and shadow is impressive, giving depth and dimension to the woman's figure. The background of the painting is a dark, even tone, making the figure of the woman the focal point of the image.

The story behind this painting is unknown, giving it an air of mystery and fascination. Some suggest that the woman in the painting could be the artist's wife or lover, while others believe that she could be an important historical figure. What is clear is that the painting is a masterpiece of the Renaissance era, with timeless beauty and impressive technique.

In conclusion, the Portrait of a Lady with a Carnation is an impressive work of art that deserves to be admired. His artistic style, composition, color, and technique are outstanding examples of the early Renaissance. Also, the story behind the painting adds an element of mystery and intrigue, making it an even more interesting and fascinating piece of art.

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