Portrait of a Gentleman

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$181.00 USD


The painting Portrait of a Gentleman, by the artist Agustín Esteve Y Marques, is a work of art that stands out for its refined and elegant artistic style. The composition of the work is very balanced and harmonious, with a symmetrical arrangement of the elements that make it up.

The coloring of the painting is sober and elegant, with dark and deep tones that give it an air of mystery and sophistication. The figure of the portrayed gentleman is rendered with great detail and precision, denoting the artist's technical skill.

The history of the painting dates back to the 18th century, when it was made by Agustín Esteve Y Marques, one of the most outstanding artists of the time. The work belongs to the portrait genre, which was very popular at the time and was used to immortalize the image of important and prominent people.

Among the lesser-known aspects of the painting is its hidden symbolism, revealed through small details such as the presence of an hourglass in the background of the composition, representing the transience of time and the inevitability of death.

In short, Portrait of a Gentleman is an exceptional work of art that combines technique and aesthetic beauty with a deep symbolism that invites reflection and analysis. A work that undoubtedly deserves to be contemplated with attention and admiration.

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