Portrait of Princess Orlova

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$181.00 USD


The painting Portrait of Princess Orlova by Russian artist Valentin Serov is a masterpiece of Russian Impressionism. The portrait of Princess Orlova is one of the most outstanding of the period, showing Serov's ability to capture the beauty and elegance of his sitter.

Serov's artistic style is characterized by his loose brushwork technique and his use of light and color to create an atmosphere of intimacy and elegance. In Portrait of Princess Orlova, Serov uses light, soft tones to bring out the beauty of the princess, and his loose brushwork technique creates a sense of movement and life in the image.

The composition of the painting is also notable for its simplicity and elegance. Princess Orlova is in the center of the image, with a background of soft tones and a classic-style chair that gives her an air of distinction. The position of the princess, with her head tilted slightly to the side and her hands resting in her lap, creates a sense of calm and serenity in the image.

Color is another interesting aspect of Portrait of Princess Orlova. Serov uses soft, luminous tones to create a light and airy feeling in the image. The pastel shades of the princess's clothing and background create a sense of harmony and balance in the image, while the darker shades of her hair and chair details add a touch of contrast and depth.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by Prince Orlov in 1911 as a gift to his wife, Princess Zinaida Orlova. The painting became one of Serov's most famous and was exhibited at several major exhibitions in Russia and Europe.

As for little-known aspects, it is known that Serov took more than a year to complete the painting, and that he worked on it in several sessions with Princess Orlova as a model. It is also known that the princess was very happy with the final result, and that the painting became one of her most prized possessions.

In short, Portrait of Princess Orlova is a masterpiece of Russian Impressionism, showcasing Valentin Serov's ability to capture the beauty and elegance of his sitter. Its artistic style, composition, color and history make this painting one of the most interesting and outstanding of the time.

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