Portrait of a Notary

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$186.00 USD


The portrait "Portrait of a Notary" by the artist Arie De Vois is a fascinating work that deserves to be explored in detail. With an original size of 24 x 19 cm, this painting stands out for its artistic style and its carefully crafted composition.

Arie De Vois's artistic style in this work is characterized by its realistic and detailed approach. Each facial feature of the notary is rendered with great precision, demonstrating the artist's technical skill. The attention to detail extends to the elements of the notary's clothing, such as his elegant suit and lace-trimmed collar. This realistic style allows the viewer to appreciate every little detail of the painting and immerse themselves in the life and personality of the portrayed notary.

The composition of the painting is also noteworthy. The notary is in the center of the work, occupying most of the space. His posture is upright and confident, reflecting his authority and status. Behind him, a desk with books and documents can be seen, suggesting his dedication to his profession. The balanced and symmetrical composition brings a sense of harmony and order to the painting.

As for color, dark and earthy tones predominate. The color palette used by De Vois creates a sober and serious atmosphere, in keeping with the notary's profession. The warm, soft tones of her face contrast with the darker colors of her outfit and background, further emphasizing her figure in the painting.

The history of the painting "Portrait of a Notary" is little known, but it is believed that it was commissioned by the portrayed notary himself or his family. The work reflects the importance and prestige of notaries in the society of the time. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that this painting is part of a series of portraits of notaries by Arie De Vois, which shows his interest in this specific subject and his ability to capture the essence and personality of each individual portrayed.

In short, Arie De Vois's "Portrait of a Notary" is a captivating painting that stands out for its realistic art style, balanced composition, and understated color palette. Through this work, the viewer can delve into the life and personality of the portrayed notary, as well as appreciate the technical skill and talent of the artist.

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