The Holy Family with a Lamb

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$180.00 USD


The painting "The Holy Family with a Lamb" by the Italian artist Raffaello Sanzio is a masterpiece of the Renaissance and one of the most representative paintings of his career. The work was painted in oil on panel in the year 1507 and measures 29 x 21 cm.

Raffaello's artistic style is characterized by great delicacy in the representation of the figures, as well as by the use of a soft and bright color palette. In "The Holy Family with a Lamb", the artist uses a chiaroscuro technique to create a sense of depth and volume in the figures.

As for the composition, the work presents a triangular arrangement of the figures, with the Virgin Mary in the center and flanked by Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus. The figure of the lamb, which is in the foreground, symbolizes the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

The coloring of the painting is another of its most outstanding aspects, with a range of warm and soft tones that create an atmosphere of serenity and peace. Especially noteworthy are the golden and yellow tones used in the clothes of the Virgin and Saint Joseph, as well as the intense blue of the Virgin's cloak.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Bernardin de Bibbiena for his chapel in the church of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome. The work was highly appreciated by his contemporaries and became a model for the representation of the Holy Family in Renaissance art.

One of the lesser known aspects of the work is that it was restored several times throughout its history, which has given rise to some controversy about its original state. However, the beauty and artistic quality of the painting remain undoubted, making it one of the most emblematic works of the Italian Renaissance.

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